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励志远足英语作文? 纪念名人英语作文?

2024-09-15 11:33:27励志故事1


GO hiking

励志远足英语作文? 纪念名人英语作文?

On Sunday,I go hiking with my classmates.Our destination is Zhongshan Park.The weather is very good,our mood is good too.We take some food and some useful things,when we arrived at the park,we are very exciting,so we climb the hill.

On the way to the peak,we feel very interesting,but after a period ,we feel a little tired,so we stop and have our lunch.What a delicious food!Cookies,apples,fruit,even sweets!After a good lunch ,we continue our trip,we arrived at the peak after a short time.The view is so beautiful!

After we get to the foot of the hill,we play some interesting games in park.Like Crzay Mouse,Shooting Game.We are enjoying it very much.

when sun set down ,we return,the hiking is so interesting that I never forget it for ever!


Zhou Enlai

Zhou Enlai was born in Huai'an,Jiangsu,on March 5,1898.In 1917,he finished school in Nankai Middle School,and then went to France to learn Marxist theory.In 1922,he joined the Chinese Communist Party.After that,he was active in his work and directed the Party work in Shanghai.

He led the famous uprising①----Nanchang Uprising on August 1st,1927.Then he took part in the Long March.From 1937 to 1945,he worked in South China.

After the People's Republic of China was founded,he was elected Premier②of China.He put all his heart into the work and always worked until midnight.He had no time to think about himself,but only the Chinese people.

Premier Zhou died on January 8th,1976.The whole nation was in deep sorrow at his death for he was loved by all the people.Our beloved Premier Zhou will always be alive in our Chinese people's hearts.He was a great Marxist and communist.


l have a dream,l want to be a singer when l am growth,l like singing,because it makes me happy and l can sing for many people,l think they are very happy to listen me sing the song。l hope me will be a singer in the future


Yoga Lin (also known as James Lin, Chinese: 林宥嘉) is the winner of One Million Star, Season 1 (第一季超级星光大道), a popular reality TV singing competition in Taiwan.

  Nicknamed “Yoga”, Lin was born in Pingtung, Taiwan on July 1, 1987. He is currently studying at National Tung Hwa University, majoring in Sports and Leisure Studies.

  During high school, Lin was the lead singer of a rock band, and was trained under a renowned Taiwanese rock singer, Pei-An Yang (杨培安). He then joined another rock band in his university and continued to perfect his singing techniques and, experimented various music genres. Having never participated in any formal singing contest before, Lin attended the Kaohsiung audition for the first season of a famous TV singing contest in Taiwan, One Million Star.

  In the competition, Lin impressed the judges with his vivid interpretation of Steel Rope Walker (走钢索的人, originally by James Li or Quan Li, 李泉). His performance was then described as “enchanting”(迷幻) by the hostess of One Million Star, Matilda Tao (陶晶莹).

  Despite being only in his early twenties, Lin has proven his ability to deliver a wide variety of musical performances, and he continues to experiment with new music genres and vocal styles.

  The awards he has received are as follows:

  2007 Winner, One Million Star Season 1 (Taiwan)

  2008 HITO FM Newcomer Award (with One Million Star Season 1 finalists) (Taiwan)

  2008 Metro Broadcast Co.(新城电台) Newcomer Award, Hot Idol Award, Hot Idol Group Award (Hong Kong)

  2008 Asia Song Festival Newcomer Award (Korea)

  2008 Singapore Hit Award, Best Producer (Mystery) Award, Newcomer Award, Annual Popular Artist Award and Annual Chart Winner

  2008 YouthBox Music Award, Best New Act, Best Album of the Year(Mystery)

  Lin's solo debut album titled Mystery (神秘嘉宾) was released on June 3, 2008 in Taiwan.


写关于父亲的英语作文 【篇一:关于爸爸的英语作文:我的爸爸】 关于爸爸的英语作文:我的爸爸 my mother and father are funny. they are my dear friends. my mother is not tall, not short but slim. she has a round face, two big eyes, a small nose and small mouth. she often wears a shirt, a coat, a pair of trousers and boots.

she’s beautiful. she is forty-three years old, but she looks so young!and her finger is long and thin. she often uses finger to tooth my ears, wow! my father is strong, he is tall and handsome. he is my hero. he has a round face, big eyes, a big nose and a big mouth.

he’s tummy little fat. he likes wearing a t-shirt a pair sport shoes. i love my mother and father. i love my family!

我的妈妈和爸爸很风趣,他们是我最亲爱的朋友。我的妈妈虽然个子不高,但身材很纤细。她有着圆圆的脸,一双大大的眼睛,小小的鼻子和嘴巴。 她上衣经常穿一件衬衫,下身穿一条裤子和靴子,她很美。她已经有43岁了,但是她看上去依然很年轻!她的手指很纤长。她经常用她的手指摸我的耳朵,喔喔! 我的父亲非常强壮,他高大英俊,他是我心目中的英雄,他有着圆圆的脸,大眼睛,大鼻子和大嘴巴。他的肚子有点胖。他喜欢穿一件t恤衫,一双运动鞋。 我爱我的爸爸妈妈。我爱我家!




He is very tall. He is a player. He became the second Chinese basketball player in NBA. He is the best basketball player in China. He is Yao Ming

Today more and more Chinese start to watching NBA.And YAO MING are becoming a new star.

YAO are in the Rocket team.And he also works for our country,he plays basketball with YI JIANlian and others. By the helping of all the players,Chinese are becoming stronger and stronger.

I believe Chinese team will get a good mark in the Olympics.


do you know yaoming? the famous basketball star? let me tell you! yaoming was born on december 12,1980 in china.he is 2.26m tall.

  when he was 18 years old, he became a member of china bsketball star team.in 2000,he joined the national basketball team.

  in 2002,he went to the united states and he became the most valuable player in nba. he is an outstanding basketball player? do you think so?


In this current society, everyone are required to work in a fast pace. The society is surrounded by different type of presure. Thus I will list out a few major stressor that most people will share in common.

The society is getting more and more materialistic. Everyone wants to strive to be the best. Food that we eat need to be nice. Things that we use need to be good. Clothes that we wear need to be up to date. In order to fullfill this on-going needs,one needs to earn more money. Thus to earn more money, one needs to work harder. All these accumulated together is a great stressor for human beings.

Financial income is also one major stressor. The living standard all around the world had increased tremendously. People need to worry about their housing loan, vehicle load, insurance, kids education fees, or even down to the basic; how to put food on the table.

Security is another big issue. The world is changing. World peace is no longer intact with everyone's mind. Wars are declared easily. Terrorism acts shatter everyone's sense of security. Everyone need to be in fear of any sudden disaster. Besides, it is painful to see the on-going increasing crime rate all around the world. More and more people had walked into the wrong path to obtain what they want. Robbery, rape cases, murder cases...are all aspects that burden our mental and physical health.

Stress is a silent health killer. Everyone need to learn a form of stress management that suit themselves in order to cope with the current pace of the society


懵懂童年:秀兰·邓波儿  before the age of 10, shirley temple enjoyed four years as the top box-office draw in america, earning an unprecedented $50, 000 per film from 20th century fox in the late 1930s. she gave definition to the term child star, which was the title of her autobiography.  不到10岁的秀兰·邓波儿在长达四年的时间里一直是最有票房号召力的明星。20世纪30年代晚期,她在20世纪福克斯公司(20th century fox)每部电影中的片酬达到史无前例的5万美元。她定义了“童星”一词,而这也是她自传的书名。  but early success often comes with the cost of devoting your childhood to hard work rather than play. temple acted in four films a year at an age when ordinary children swing in the playground and master cursive writing.  但过早的成功往往伴随着把童年奉献给辛苦工作、而不是玩耍的代价。在普通孩子四处游玩和涂鸦的年纪,邓波儿每年就要参演4部电影。  "the early young chargers are willing to sacrifice freedom and choice at a young age, " says bruce tulgan, new haven-based consultant and author of it's okay to be the boss. "they put in a huge amount of time and energy in a focused pursuit at a very young age."  “年少的冲锋者们愿意在年纪轻轻时就牺牲了自由和选择,”位于纽黑文市的咨询顾问、《像个老板样》(it's okay to be the boss)的作者布鲁斯·塔尔干说。“他们在年幼时就把大把的时间和精力投入到专心致志的追求中。”  although temple retired from movie-making at age 22, that early sacrifice gave her the platform and name recognition to become active in politics, serve on corporate boards, and fill the role of u.s. ambassador to czechoslovakia during the administration of president george h.w. bush.  虽然邓波儿在22岁时息影,但早年的那种牺牲为她提供了平台和知名度,使她得以活跃于政坛,担任公司董事,成为老布什执政时期美国驻捷克斯洛伐克的大使。

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