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2024-05-11 05:42:12励志故事1





There is no solace above or below.Only us... Small, solitary,battling one another.I pray to myself, for myself.

天堂地狱都没法给你慰藉,只有我们自己,渺小,孤独,奋斗,与彼此抗争,我向自己祈祷,为自己祈祷。(from 《纸牌屋》)


考拉的故事英语作文:“The story of Koala”


1.The Lost Wallet

     One day, John lost his wallet on his way to work. He was worried all day until someone called and said they found it. John was relieved and grateful.

2.The Clever Fox 

    A fox wanted to eat some grapes that were too high for him to reach. He decided to tell himself they were probably sour anyway, and walked away.

3.The Magic Shoes

 Maggie put on a pair of shoes she found in her grandmother's attic and suddenly found herself transported to another world.

4.The Little Seed

 A tiny seed was planted in the ground. Despite the odds, it grew into a beautiful flower, bringing joy to everyone who saw it.

5.The Honest Woodcutter

 A woodcutter lost his axe in a river. When a fairy returned it to him, he proved his honesty and was rewarded with a golden axe.

6.The Tortoise and the Hare

 A slow and steady tortoise won a race against a boastful hare who thought he could easily outrun the tortoise.

7.The Three Little Pigs

 Three little pigs built houses out of straw, sticks, and bricks. The one with the brick house was the only one who could withstand the huffing and puffing of the big bad wolf.

8.The Boy Who Cried Wolf

 A boy kept lying about seeing a wolf, causing everyone to come running. When a wolf actually appeared, no one believed him.

9.The Ugly Duckling

 A duckling was teased by other animals for being different. Eventually, it grew into a beautiful swan and the other animals realized their mistake.

10.The Giving Tree

 A tree gave everything it had to a boy over the course of his life. In the end, all that was left was a stump, but the boy had everything he needed.




Once upon a time,the there was a young man called Kuang Heng.He usually read books at night because he had to work in the day.He didn't have money to buy oil ,so he couldn't read books when it got dark.One night,he saw a little light from his neighbor's room through a gap in the wall.Then he used a knife to make the gap bigger enough to get much more light.

I think we should learn from him and study harder.


Salesperson: Hi, may I help you?

Ada: Yes. Can you show me your Nikes?

Salesperson: Certainly.


Ada: It's my style. I like it! May I try it on?

Salesperson: Yes, of course. What's your size?

Ada: It's 37, thanks.

Salesperson: Okay, let me check for you.

Salesperson: Here you are.

(Trying on the shoes...)

Ada: Wow, these Nikes are so beautiful. I'll take them. How much?

Salesperson: 459 yuan. Will there be anything else?

Ada: No, thank you. Here's the money.











Yoga Lin (also known as James Lin, Chinese: 林宥嘉) is the winner of One Million Star, Season 1 (第一季超级星光大道), a popular reality TV singing competition in Taiwan.

  Nicknamed “Yoga”, Lin was born in Pingtung, Taiwan on July 1, 1987. He is currently studying at National Tung Hwa University, majoring in Sports and Leisure Studies.

  During high school, Lin was the lead singer of a rock band, and was trained under a renowned Taiwanese rock singer, Pei-An Yang (杨培安). He then joined another rock band in his university and continued to perfect his singing techniques and, experimented various music genres. Having never participated in any formal singing contest before, Lin attended the Kaohsiung audition for the first season of a famous TV singing contest in Taiwan, One Million Star.

  In the competition, Lin impressed the judges with his vivid interpretation of Steel Rope Walker (走钢索的人, originally by James Li or Quan Li, 李泉). His performance was then described as “enchanting”(迷幻) by the hostess of One Million Star, Matilda Tao (陶晶莹).

  Despite being only in his early twenties, Lin has proven his ability to deliver a wide variety of musical performances, and he continues to experiment with new music genres and vocal styles.

  The awards he has received are as follows:

  2007 Winner, One Million Star Season 1 (Taiwan)

  2008 HITO FM Newcomer Award (with One Million Star Season 1 finalists) (Taiwan)

  2008 Metro Broadcast Co.(新城电台) Newcomer Award, Hot Idol Award, Hot Idol Group Award (Hong Kong)

  2008 Asia Song Festival Newcomer Award (Korea)

  2008 Singapore Hit Award, Best Producer (Mystery) Award, Newcomer Award, Annual Popular Artist Award and Annual Chart Winner

  2008 YouthBox Music Award, Best New Act, Best Album of the Year(Mystery)

  Lin's solo debut album titled Mystery (神秘嘉宾) was released on June 3, 2008 in Taiwan.

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