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2023-10-17 00:32:26励志文章1


 Everyone has their own credibility to love, so do I, I like to chase stars. Because lately it's been able to make me happy. Today I want to introduce my idol to you. They areTNT


A lot of people just know Their negative News,They'd rather just listen Others listen to don't go to personally understand. (中间可以补充一点时团的成就)

One of the members, He Junlin Interested in the middle of the broadcast. so, spend two months preparing for the art It has achieved the green channel and the seventh best result for boys in the country. In the subsequent college entrance examination, his performance was also very good, with 483 points Local Hyperlocal The score line of the second university. In the end, with excellent results Admission to Communication University of China。They're very good, so I think I should Follow their example and learn the good things about them. To make up for your own shortcomings. 




My idol is Liu Xiang.He is a Shanghai native, was born on July 13, 1983. His height is 188 cm, weight 75 kg. Singing and computer are his hobbies.

  At the Athens Olympic Games on August 27,2004,Liu won the men's 110m hurdles final in 12.91 seconds, equaling the world record set and breaking the Olympic record.

  He brings great surprise and glory to chinese people.As well,his backbone and patriotism deeply affect me. we all chinese people are proud of him.




My idiom is a teacher who is friendly and kind.In the eyes of the classmates,it seems that he is a strict but mild good teacher,whether when he is giving lessons or talking with his classmates,he is always patient.Therefore,we all like him.

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