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2023-04-27 15:37:50励志文章1

Once upon a time, there was a little calf named Dawei. He lived on the edge of a vast grassland.



One day, Dawei was playing with other cows in the meadow when suddenly he heard a loud voice coming towards them. Dawei and the other cows quickly ran away in fear.

有一天, 小牛大卫和其他的牛群正在草地里玩耍,突然,大卫听到了一个响亮的声音从草地边缘走过来。大卫和其他的牛 心惊胆战地逃窜开来。

When Dawei looked back, he saw a big, yellow bull. It was the god of the meadow. The god said: "It's the Year of the Ox. I'm here to bless you!"

大卫回头一望, 他看到一头发出金黄光华的大牛,正是草原上的神祗。神祗说道:“今年是牛年,我来祝福你们!”

The god then gave them each a red ribbon and said: "Whenever you feel scared and helpless, tie these ribbons on your horns, and all your worries will disappear. You will be happy and safe."

神祗给大家都拿了一条红丝带, 他说:“只要你们感到害怕和束手无策的时候,把这些丝带系在你们的角上,你们的所有忧虑都会消失, 你们将会快乐比较安全。”

From then on, Dawei and the other cows tied their red ribbons snugly around their horns. Whenever they felt scared and helpless, they tied on their ribbons and immediately felt a sense of peace and security.


The little calf Dawei and his friends will never forget the god of the meadow. He watches over them still and brings happiness to the grassland.


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