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2024-06-30 12:38:31励志文章1


Title: "Inspiration from the Heart"Words cannot express the power of inspiration. It comes from within,的动力无法用言语来表达。它来自内心,encourages us to pursue our dreams with passion. No matter where life takes us,无论生活带我们去哪里,we can always find a reason to smile and keep going. Believe in yourself,相信你自己,and you'll discover the strength to overcome any obstacle.励志的英语演讲稿30词以内的语言并不足以完全表达内心的力量。它来自我们内心深处,激励我们充满激情地追求梦想。无论生活带我们走向何方,我们总能找到微笑和前进的理由。相信自己,你就能找到克服任何障碍的力量。




Dear teachers and fellow students,

Today we are gathered here to celebrate our graduation from junior high school. I still remember the first day of school, when we were all nervous and excited about the new challenges ahead of us. But now, after three years of hard work and dedication, we have successfully completed our junior high education.

As we move on to the next chapter of our academic journey, it is important for us to remember the lessons we have learned and the friendships we have made. We have faced many obstacles together, but we have also celebrated many triumphs.

I want to take this opportunity to thank our teachers for their guidance and support throughout our junior high school years. Without their patience and dedication, we would not be standing here today.

To my fellow students, I want to say that I am proud of each and every one of you. We have grown so much over the past three years, and we have the potential to achieve great things in the future.

Finally, I would like to say that although we are moving on to different high schools, we will always be connected by the memories we have shared and the friendships we have formed.

Thank you.




Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I'm here to talk to you about a topic that is close to many of our hearts - going green. More specifically, I want to focus on green transportation and the impact it has on our environment.

In today's fast-paced world, we are constantly looking for ways to make our lives more convenient. However, this convenience often comes at the cost of our environment. With the rise of automobiles and an increase in private vehicle ownership, our roads are becoming more crowded, our air quality is deteriorating, and our carbon footprint is growing.

This is why I believe that it's time for us to rethink our transportation habits. We need to recognize that the choices we make every day have a direct impact on our environment. And one simple change we can make is to switch to green transportation methods.

Bicycles and electric vehicles are two great examples


My English teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. There is always a smile on her face.

Miss Huang likes singing. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is a good dancer, too.

Sometimes she teaches us dancing. Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute.

Her favorite color is blue, because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

She is my favorite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much.



.范仲淹在淮阳做官时,有个叫孙夏的穷秀才听说范仲淹最体恤穷困的人,就直接上门求范仲淹给他十千制钱。范仲淹见他是个老实的穷秀才,不加多问就送了十千制钱。第二年,这个穷秀才又来见范仲淹,还是要求助 他十千制钱。范仲淹又如数给了他,然后问他:“你为什么穷到这个地步呢?”穷秀才说:“我家里没有什么产业,只有一个已不能劳作的老母亲。我是个读书人, 种田和做工都不大会,又不善经商,平常没有什么生计,只好过着贫穷流浪的生活。如果每天能有一百钱的收入,我就可以勉强度日,安心读书了。”





When I went to college for my new high school education, teachers were friendly and classmates were very helpful, they gave me so much help, even invited me to live with her, teachers helped me whenever I had problems, all these things made me feel so warmth in my heart.


Once upon a time,the there was a young man called Kuang Heng.He usually read books at night because he had to work in the day.He didn't have money to buy oil ,so he couldn't read books when it got dark.One night,he saw a little light from his neighbor's room through a gap in the wall.Then he used a knife to make the gap bigger enough to get much more light.

I think we should learn from him and study harder.


保护视力对于初中生来说非常重要。在英语演讲稿中,可以这样表达:"Protecting Our Eyesight""As初中生,我们的学业越来越繁重,眼睛的压力也越来越大。每天盯着书本、电脑屏幕,让我们的视力逐渐下降。因此,保护视力已经成为了我们必须要重视的问题。首先,我们要保持正确的坐姿。读书时,我们要坐正,眼睛和书本的距离要保持一尺以上。用电脑时,我们要调整好屏幕的位置,让眼睛与屏幕保持适当的距离。同时,我们还要注意用眼时间,每隔一段时间要休息一下,让眼睛得到充分的放松。其次,我们要多吃对眼睛有益的食物。富含维生素A、C、E的食物,如胡萝卜、菠菜、西兰花等,都能为眼睛提供营养,帮助保护视力。最后,我们要多进行户外活动。户外活动可以让我们的眼睛得到锻炼,同时也能让我们放松心情,减轻学习压力。保护视力是我们每个人的责任。让我们从现在开始,养成良好的用眼习惯,为我们的未来打下坚实的基础。"




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