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2024-06-15 09:27:13励志文章1







Once upon a time, there are two hungry elderly people has been a gift: a fishing rod and a basket of live fish. Among them, one to a basket fish, another person asked for a rod, and they part company each going his own way. Get the fish to a person on the fire with dry boil the fish, he wolfed down, no matter a fresh fish meat, suddenly, even the fish soup with which he eat a Jingguang, soon, he starved to death in the empty side. Another person is carrying rod to starve, difficult step by step to walk to the beach, but when he has not seen the blue sea, he was the last bit of strength and make out, he could only look zone endless regret.

又有两个饥饿的人,他们同样得到了长者恩赐的一根鱼竿和一篓鱼岁芦世。只是他们并没有各奔东西,而 是商定共同去找寻大海,他俩每次只煮一条鱼,他们经过遥远的跋涉,来到了海边,从此,两人开始了捕 鱼为生的日子,几年后,他们盖起了房子,有了各自的家庭、子女,有了自己建造的渔船,过上了幸福安 康的生活

Has two hungry people, they also received the elderly gift of a fishing rod and a fish basket. But they did not separate, but agreed to work together to find the sea, they only cook a fish, they passed the distant journey, came to the sea, since then, two people began a day of fishing, a few years later, they built a house, have their own family, children, have to build their own boats, and lived a happy life in Ankang

1、一个人只顾眼前的利益,得到的终将是短暂的欢愉;一个人目标高远,但也要面对现实的生活。只有把理想和现实有机结合起来,才有可能成为一个成功之人。有时候,一个简单的道理,却足以 给人意味深长的乎肢生命启示。

1, only the immediate interests of a person, will eventually get the joy was short-lived; a man of lofty goals, but also to face the reality of life. Only the ideal and reality combine, it is possible to become a successful person. Sometimes, a simple truth, but enough to give people a meaningful life.


2, the power of collaboration.

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