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2024-06-08 09:16:04励志文章1

Every champion has felt it每位冠军会感受过


Every victorious person has felt it每位胜利者都感受过

The urge to quit想放弃的冲动

Don’t you give up on your dream不要放弃你的梦想

I don’t care if you don’t have the money不管你是否缺乏资金

You don’t have the help缺少帮助

And you don’t have the family for it 或者没有为之奋斗的家人

And you don’t have the friends for it 没有为之奋斗的朋友

Don’t you give up on your dream 都不要放弃你的梦想

Don’t you do it不要这样做

It may take you twice as long 你可能要在两倍的时间

You may have to take courses and classes你可能要去参加课程

You might not read as fast你可能阅读不够快速

You might not move as quick 你可能行动不够迅速

You might not have as much你可能没有拥有很多

But don’t you quit但不要放弃

If you lay death如果你死了

Even the animals won’t bite you就连动物也不会咬你

The risk of being bitten被咬的风险

Is the cost of getting up就是重新站起来的代价

And you have to decide are you so concernedabout being bitten而你要去决定你是否如此担心被咬

That you’re willing to spend the rest ofyour life laying dead以至于愿意花费余生来等死

Or is there something pumping down insideof you还是你内心深处是否有什么跳动

That’s saying再跟你说

Bit me or not 要不要咬我

I’m getting up我正站起来

I’m gonna be the best me我会成为最棒的自己

I’m gonna do all I can do我要尽我所能去做

I’m going for it我会坚持下去

Anybody can do anything they set their mindto任何人都能做任何他们决心要做的事情

But it depends on how bad you want it 但这就取决于他们的决心有多大了

With enough persistence有足够的毅力

Most thing that seem impossible becomepossible很多看起来不可能的事情都变得可能

You just have to show up or shoe at你只需要出现

So offen或经常出现

Time after time时不时地

You gotta wake up and you gotta drive你得醒过来,带着动力

You gotta be drive to go get somethingdone, now你必须要趋势自己现在就去完成这些事情

You gotta be willing to stand on yourbeliefs你必须要坚持自己的信念

Cause a lot of times you’re the only onewho can see it因为很多时候你是唯一能看到它的人

And other people they don’t see it really而其他人不一定能看到它

But you gotta really believe in what you’vegot inside of you但是你必须相信你内心的想法

That’s telling you and driving you 那是在告诉你,驱使你

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