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2024-05-19 19:48:09励志文章1


Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to read the letter . To promote cultural exchanges between China and other countries of the world, to increase mutual understanding and friendship, and at the same time to improve your Chinese standard, Joozone.COM stands ready to provide you with the following all-round Chinese Courses. Modular Course



I have a hero in my heart. He is my father. In the past few years he has worked as a volunteer in the west of China to help get rid of poverty. His efforts have been paid off. Local people now live a better life and their living environment has changed a lot.




1. 描述事件

Last weekend, I had a wonderful experience. I went to the park with my friends. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed the sunshine. We played some games and had a picnic. It was a great day that I will always remember.

2. 表达观点

In my opinion, reading is very important for us. It can not only increase our knowledge, but also improve our imagination. By reading, we can explore new worlds and learn about different cultures. I believe everyone should make reading a part of their life.

3. 介绍人物

My best friend is Lily. She is a kind and smart person. She always helps others and has a great sense of humor. We often spend time together and share our secrets. Lily is not only a good friend, but also a role model for me.

4. 讲述故事

Once upon a time, there was a little monkey who was very curious. One day, he decided to explore a new place. Along the way, he met many interesting animals and had many adventures. Although he faced some difficulties, he never gave up.

5. 描述动物

Dogs are man's best friends. They are loyal and friendly. Dogs can bring us a lot of happiness and companionship. They can also protect us and make us feel safe. I love dogs and I think they are wonderful animals.



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