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2023-11-09 02:54:54励志名言1




我 最 尊 敬 的 老 人


一个寂静的深夜,挂着一轮像小船似的明月,风的萧萧声徐徐的刮来,她作为一个80多岁的老人,她悄悄的起来了,静悄悄的走到另一个房间,看看她的孙女有没有睡着并且有没有盖好被子,有没有被风的萧萧声吓着,那个沉睡的小女孩是多么的温馨啊!那个女孩一天天的在她的抚育下健康地成长,那个女孩就是我。 她时常露出一副和蔼可亲的面孔,他脸上的面孔时常露出无比灿烂的笑容,让人蔽哗不得不亲近.在我的童年,是她陪着我一天天的走过,由于苦难向我一天的走来,这一天她失去了笑容,是因为我病了,我那时还小,每当我感到不舒服之时,我就会哭.她用她温暖的手心挽着我,随后一直地背着那幼小的身躯,她在那个深夜一直没有睡觉,她一直背着我走来走去,我至今还记得,那天早上的血丝,作为一个普通的老人,她曾今熬过多少个夜晚-让人不得不敬佩。

我不得不尊敬她,她如今94岁了,当我回到我故乡的时候,她讲了许多的事,她慈祥的对我说:“阿娟啊!我出生的时候是一个战争的时代,经常说打仗,现在你们没有了那惊天动地的战争,一定要好好的读书啊! ”她那些温和的语言,我不得不感动.我那天晚上,我 陪着她睡,她的心里好象很沉重,但是她没有说出来.










We always see some phenomence that the old often stand up in the bus,in the public,while the young are sit in the seats leisurely.so we have to think highly of this problem,weather we should give seats to the old.

As we know ,respecting the old and taking care of the child is the tradition sprit of our country,when we attend school .our teacher give us elementary education , that is respecting the old and taking care of the young,but we feel bittterly when some adults ingore the old ,they sit the seat play mobile phone ,siting with their legs crossed.even worse ,theirs behaviors are not good to childrent. It is not advantage for social developments . it influence our images of our country.in my opinion, the elder are devoted all their youth for life,now ,they should have a happy life,i think the authorities concerned should imphasis the importance on politeness,as the old says:condect decide everything.we should form the good habit of politiness ,undoubtful,we should give seat to the elder.




We were always taught to give up our seats to the elderly, the weak, the ill, the handicapped, and the pregnant. It is a standard practice, justified by our own morality: we feel that those who need the seats more should get them. However, under some circumstances, people don't want to give up their seats. For example, should a young person who is exhausted after working all night still stand up in favor of someone older but full of energy? There is controversy about exactly where to draw the line in general, but I think that as youthful individuals, we should all try to give up our seats as much as possible. After all, we are setting a good example for the children of our own day, who will hopefully grow up and follow in our footsteps, setting in motion a cycle of goodwill.



As the saying goes, filial piety is the most important in all virtues. To respect the elderly is the Chinese traditional virtue. To respect the elderly is also the progress of human science development. If human have proper thoughts, the society can develop healthily. To care the elders is not only for a child and a family, but also for a society and a country. So this problem has become a hot issue.


As children, they should take care of the elderly in material and spirit. For example, they ought to go back home often to see their parents and accompany them. As the government, they should perfect the legal, because the system is far from perfect. What’s more, the government should provide assistance for the elderly.


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