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2024-10-21 10:14:36励志创业1


Panda—the National Treasure


Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. There used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. There are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them. Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan. There is a research centre for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.


熊猫是世界上濒危动物之一。世界各国人民都非常喜爱它。很久以前中国曾有许多熊猫,由于自然平衡遭到破坏,气候变暖,大熊猫越来越少。但目前,大熊猫的数量正逐年增多。正因如今有这么多的大熊猫,以至于有些被派往其他国家,使那里的人民可以欣赏它们。 如今,最大的熊猫自然公园在中国四川。那里是研究自然野生动物的中心。科学家们希望有一天,他们将有足够多的大熊猫被重新放归野外。


My favourite animal--panda

If you ask me what my favourite animal.I can tell youpandas are my favourite. I like the pandas not only they are one of the China's treasures,but also they looks lovely.

Pandas are very fat and hairy. They have two colours:white and black.The panda's face,back and stomach are all white, their eyes nose legs and arms are all black.

The pandas like eating bamboo climbing trees

and swiming .Using the paws,he chew the bamboo very slowly with his mouth.



Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. There used to be many pandas in China long ago.


熊猫 熊猫是一种很珍贵的动物,它很惹人喜爱。它四肢较短,行动很慢。它的全身胖乎乎的,面孔上好一对乌黑发亮的眼睛,眼睛旁边黑黑的,好像戴着一副黑色的眼镜,十分可爱。 熊猫喜欢在平坦的地面上悠闲地散步,愉快的玩耍。有时抬头望望人民;有时低着头,好现在寻找什么,又像在思索什么。当他高兴时,就在地下翻跟斗,像一个大皮球在地下滚动。 熊猫睡觉时,也不老实。有时,它用前爪轻轻地拍着肚子;有时,她两腿一镫,就翻个身。我还以为它睡醒了,其实它还在睡。它睡醒了就翻身起来,用手悠悠眼睛,好奇的望望人民。 熊猫吃东西的时候,常常直着身子盘腿坐下,前爪抓住鲜嫩的竹子往嘴里送。它爱吃鲜嫩的竹叶。吃饱了,还得嘴口水润润喉咙。他走到水池边,俯下身子,前腿靠着池边,低下头,咕咚咕咚的喝起来。看它那副模样,真是人发笑。 熊猫真是一种可爱的动物。

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