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2024-10-18 17:44:38励志创业1


一直以来, 都是个很容易放弃的人,在考试中失败了,跑步比赛时摔跤了,做某件事在规定时间内眼看就完不成了……因为 总是很容易放弃,所以一遇到这样的事,就不愿继续努力,直接退出。


但是现在,一旦 想放弃,总会听到几句话:

“ 最不喜欢放弃了!”

“ 都是有话直说,说到做到,这就是 的忍道!”

“ 一定会当上火影,因为,火影是 的梦想!”


每当想起你,想起你说的话, 就感到很温暖,像是获得了力量信心。于是, 也不原放弃,不想逃避。

因为, 被你感动。


尽管成绩很差,可你一直苦苦练习,决不甘心失败。你不愿只当个哭虫,决心要决定自己的命运,实现梦想,走一条不会后悔的路。平着这个信念,你迅速地成长,也有了很多伙伴,很多认同你的人。你也曾逃跑,也曾被打倒在地,也曾差点丢掉性命,但你总会重获勇气,再次站起来,一直战斗到底,获得胜利。你就是这样带给许多人希望,改变了很多本来也身处黑暗的人。 想, 也是被你改变了吧。看到你这样努力, 也觉得,自己也可以。看到你的成长, 也觉得,自己有一天也能成功。

所以, 要改变自己。不再轻易放弃,不再逃避。为了梦想而努力。

而你,是 的力量来源。

想起你时, 就觉得很温暖。


你让 获得逆风而上的勇气,带给 温暖的力量, 想说:



This is a ninja world. From childhood on seals the tail of the evil before nine, vol.1

Naruto has had a village people's desolation, just try very hard to use various prank is trying to attract people's attention. Fortunately there are still in lu card teacher concerned about him, naruto character did not become distorted, he is always a fireball, super optimistic. In order to let more people to recognize our, naruto's goal is to be the sixth generation of nine-tailed! Naruto companions, is determined by the teachers of your classmates, along with the common fight, and finally became mutual recognition and trust good partners.





In a concealed village, a young man hides within a bunch of leaves. His name is Uzumaki Naruto, a mischievous boy attending Ninja Academy.

Everyday, he does nothing but cause mischief and making Iruka-sensei mad. And above all, it's doubtful that he'll be able to graduate from the Academy.

But Naruto has a dream... A dream that he'll become the head of the Ninja village, following Hokage and will become the best ninja around.

However, all the adults in the village give Naruto cold looks. The truth is, Naruto has a secret about his birth.

12 years ago, Kyuubi no Youko (Nine Tailed Fox - A kind of evil spirit who tormented the village, was sealed within Naruto's body who was, at the time, a baby.

The head of the academy, Mizuki, uses Naruto to steal the Fuujin Scrolls and makes Naruto understand his past. Naruto is outraged.

Even with Iruka's help, Naruto just barely defeats Mizuki. Knowing Naruto's secret, Iruka knows Naruto will meet someone who'll help him and so, makes a decision.

Naruto is allowed to graduate safely from Ninja Academy. Along with his classmates, Uchiwa Sasuke and Haruno Sakura together, they make their first step as Ninjas!


在一个隐蔽的村庄里,一个年轻人躲在一束树叶里。他的名字叫漩涡鸣人(Uzumaki Naruto),是忍者学校的淘气男孩。







Naruro is a very famous cartoon in Japan. It's very exciting,it says the protagonist always wants to achieve his dream and he tries to save his friend .Sometimes, it makes us excited and sometimes it makes us laugh .It's a very successful cartoon ,and it's also one of my favorite cartoons . In this I like Itachi best. He's a great man,however he killed his families for his mission,he regard his brother as the first , even though he is dead, I admire for him .I like Naruto very much , because it makes me know a lot of principles.

至尊原创 !!

我来写 一定要采纳(真不要脸) O(∩_∩)O~

nartuo is a famous cartoon in japan,it is a very exciting cartoon,

it says that naruto has been pursuing the dream all the time and

wants sasuka to come back to muye。it makes me laugh,sometimes,it

makes us moved 。it is a successful cartoon ,and it is one of my

favourite cartoons。my favourite character is itachi,he is a hero,

he killed his familes for muye(建议 这句 不要),he loves his brother,he wants him to be strong 。even though he died,i like

him very much。naruto

let me know much ,so i love it

Naruto is a very famous Japanese animation, it is a very hot-blooded animation, tells the hero has always been to pursue a dream, all the way to find partners in the story. It is sometimes very emotional for us, and sometimes let us laugh, sometimes letting We moved. This is a very successful animation, is one of my favorite animation. In this one, my favorite is the itachi., which is a great person, for the village and the severing of relations, but a lifetime to his brother as a first. although he was already dead, but I admire him. Naruto let me know a lot of theory, so, I like it!

Huoyingrenzhe is a famous cartoon in japan. It is talk abaot that Narouto have been pursuing the drean all the time.It sometimes make us very exciting,sometimes make us happy,sometimes make us want to cry.This cartoon is very successful.I like Itachi best, he is a great man.He love his younger brother all the time.But, he is died.Huoyingrenzhe is very good.So, I like it very well1

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