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2024-08-16 01:29:34励志创业1

表达不相信怀疑常用的英语 句子:


  Really? 真的吗?

  Impossible! 不可能!

  Unbelievable! 不可思议!

  Incredible! 难以置信!

  Do you really mean it? 此话当真?

  Are you sure? 你肯定吗?

  Are you serious? 你是认真的吗?

  Are you for real? 你是说真的吗?

  Are you joking? 开玩笑吧?

  Brag! 吹牛!

  Don’t believe a word he says. 不要相信他说的。

  I don‘t believe a word that’s coming out of your mouth. 我不信你嘴里说出的每一个字。

  I doubt it. 我怀疑。

  I don‘t believe you. 我不相信你。

  I don’t trust you. 我不相信你。

  I don‘t buy it. 我不信。

  I don’t buy your story. 我不信你的鬼话。

  Somebody who would never buy your crap. 没人相信你的鬼话。

  I told you you wouldn‘t believe me. 我早对你说过你不会相信我。

  I’m not convinced. 我不相信。

  I can‘t buy that 我无法相信

  I can’t believe it! 我无法相信!

  I can‘t believe my eyes. 我简直不能相信自己的眼睛。

  I refuse to believe that 我不敢相信。

  We don’t believe that‘s true. 我们可不相信那是真的。

  You are unbelievable. 你真是难以置信。

  It’s hard to believe. 真难以相信。

  It sounds fishy to me. 听起来可疑。

  It can‘t be real. 这不可能。

  Is that for real?. 是真的吗?

  What a surprise. 真没想到。

  Incredible. 真不可思议。

  How can that be? 那怎么可能?

  That can’t be! 那不可能!

  That‘s extraordinary. 真是太离奇了。

  This is going to be hard to believe. 这将很难让人相信。

  Fancy that. 真想不到。

  Holy cow! 哇赛! 不会吧!

  You don’t say! 不见得吧!/真的啊!

  Only fools will believe what he said. 笨蛋才相信他说的。

  Only some stupid persons would buy his story. 只有蠢人才会买他的账。

  I don‘t take him too seriously. 我不太相信他说的话。

  I don’t fully believe his story. 我不全相信他的故事。

  I doubt the story he told me. 我对他告诉我的故事半信半疑。

  He can‘t be trusted. 他不值得信任。

  I get you don’t trust me. 我知道你不相信我。

  Why should I trust you? 我为什么要相信你?

  There‘s no reason to believe them. 没有理由相信他们。

  I am not entirely convinced your faux bro. 我不太相信你的骗子哥哥。

  Trust no one. 不要相信任何人。

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