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2024-07-09 17:57:43励志创业1


The invention of the computer, apart from what anybody has told you, started around 2000 years ago. The computer started out as an abacus. An abacus is a rack made of wood with two wires running parallel to each other. On the wires there are beads. By moving the beads anyone can solve simple math problems. Next, there was the Astrolabe, used for navigating.


The first digital computer was invented in 1642 by Blaise Pascal. It consisted of numbers entered in dials but, it could only add. However in 1671 a computer was invented that was eventually was built in 1694. The man to credit for this invention is Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. Unlike Pascal’s Leibniz’s could add and multiply. Leibniz also invented the stepped gear mechanism for the addend digit introduction, and to this day is still being used.



the Internet must be reasonable, correct use of this high-tech product, you can also see the day', stocks can stay at home at home, shopping, entertainment and leisureComputer bring more convenience, online access to information, published an article, watch movies, online remote virtual learning and other functions, to bring a lot of benefits. It also can keep abreast of the day', enjoy the telemedicine and tele-education. Incorrect use of computers, will affect the physical and mental health. Teen long indulge in the online world;s newspaper;s latest weather information. News events and tourist information, you will not know how to communicate and reality occurs after net listlessness and physical discomfort and other symptoms, abandoned their studies and work. So, when we use computers

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